Thursday 18 June 2009

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Well, I haven't posted since May. The MK half marathon is still on, but the running had started to fizzle out, as had the blogging. My plan had been to retire this blog.

The journey, documented in the blog, from zero to marathon had been amazing for me, and I could see the attraction in the blog. But is it quite so interesting to follow the journey of someone who has now run a full marathon, fighting the motivation to complete a far less illustrious half marathon?

Perhaps not, but I enjoy writing, and as long as just one of you is still reading (and just one of you has asked why I've stopped blogging), that's good enough for me. The challenges and goals have moved slightly, but the running is continuing. And doing this blog makes me continue!

I struggled to about a run a week - treadmill or outside. But this week the tide has turned, and Neil the runner is back, ready to tackle his half marathon. On Sunday, 6.3 miles through the villages felt good. Yesterday, 5.2 miles, including 4 at faster pace, showed me that I may be able to work on improving my time, and today 7 miles exactly at steady 12 minute pace showed me I still have the distance potential. The change in my morale, not just in running terms but in outlook generally as a result has been worth every step, as now I can see the next goal is achievable once more.

Also today, for the second time, I have had the pleasure of running with my new running partner Tash! The life cycle of this blog has gone full circle - my first follower and commenter as I struggled in Bicester to get past my first mile or two last winter has now become my co-runner as we train together towards her first ever half marathon next November! After today's run I'm convinced we're making great progress towards our respective half marathon goals.

So I will continue to blog! I'll try not to squeeze six runs into each update so there will be a bit more detail in future ... and, for you diehards who find that stuff interesting and continue to read, thank you!

And finally the blog entry title ... well allow me the luxury of keeping the title I was going to use in "retiring" the blog. My allegiance to Save the Rhino is inspired in part by the late Douglas Adams (author of said book with the same title) who devoted his conservation passions and energy to Save the Rhino.

Though my fundraising for them has now ended, if it has inspired you, do continue to follow and watch the TV series "Last Chance to See" this autumn. Inspired by Douglas Adams' book and journey with Mark Carwardine, and with Douglas Adams' place taken by Stephen Fry.


ulen said...

Keep up the good work Neil! I'll still be reading.

When's the MK half?

Neil said...

Thanks Ulen1 It's July 26th I think … are you tempted to enter?

Rika said...

Oh yes, keep it up! Only sort of met you now as @kusasi didn't know that you did the LM.

I admire people who run - am a horrible runner myself. All the best for the MK half!
