Thursday 25 June 2009

Ten miles in company

Yesterday I completed 10.6 miles, by far the longest since the London Marathon. Once again I'm starting to feel that I might be able to do this run next month after all.

The advantages of a midweek running parter are many - meeting and running with Tash was of course a pleasure. But the mental challenges are very different. With two of you running, you are ...

- far more likely to consider a shortcut home
- obliged to have a plan before you set out
- guaranteed of company to make the run go faster and be less boring
- possibly more ambitious

All these things worked very well! I don't think I would have considered stepping up to in excess of ten miles on my own, but step up we did, and the run went well. A sunny late evening meant the heat was difficult, particularly at first, there was no escape running the long straight Bucknall road, contributing to the usual difficult first mile, and almost two hours later the usual tired last mile appeared on schedule, but I think we both had fuel in the tank at the end of the run, enough for a "sprint finish". Steady 12 minute mile pace is not impressively fast but pace wasn't the aim.

I still can't believe how far I've come in still comfortably less than a year. I wonder how many other people got home from work, walked the dogs then went for a 10.6 mile run. Probably just me, and that feels good!

1 comment:

ulen said...

Nope - I didn't manage a 10 mile run on Thursday - not quite 8 in my case.

Good to see you're still enjoying the long runs. Tempted as I am to join you on the MK half, there's a music festival that weekend that I'm off to instead. Good luck with it, hope it's a pleasant but not too hot day for you!