Friday 12 December 2008

Week 19

Well it now seems a long time since I've run. After 2 miles of good-humoured struggling round Oxford in a Santa suit on Sunday, every day that has gone past I have been too busy, tired or hung over to run (well it is office party season).

Today was no exception but it feels like my progress is going backwards and if I'm to hit my minimum of three runs each week I have to run today (Friday), tomorrow and Sunday. I have been exhausted all day mentally and physically but there's every chance I'll feel like that on the day so I can't let that put me off.

Amazingly this was the easiest run I've done so far, despite the cold and the exhaustion. I ran 40 minutes right off the bat, and feel so much better for having done so. I really didn't think I'd make 20, but the only barrier today was boredom. There's a lot going on which gave me a lot to think about (but this is a running blog, not a blog about my life) and ultimately I managed to push myself to go to the full 40 minutes. I feel I could have done 45 certainly, so hopefully I will hit my target for the year.

Perhaps I should push for more. Run for an hour non-stop, or 6 miles, before 2009?

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