Friday 30 January 2009


This entry is for my Wednesday night run - short of time I needed to put in a training effort, so I decided to try out the incline on the treadmill.

As I run I'm finding out just how different it is running on the treadmill to running outside. Exercise generally is just so new to me that things that are probably blindingly obvious to most people are still just becoming noticeable to me now. Outside, my feet and legs will ache within in minutes and breathing is difficult - "they" recommend that you can carry out a conversation as you run but I have found up to now that I have to breath heavily especially when it's cold.

But inside, breathing and aching are not such issues, but I will build up a sweat a lot more easily. Moving from one to the other has been quite a challenge.

My marathon training book now suggests I should be following one or other of the schedules. The "best endeavours" schedule seems to accept that we'd all love to run long and often but have busy lives, but at this stage I should be running 3 times a week (check) with a couple of smaller runs 3-4 miles and a longer one - with these longer ones certainly gaining in length over the weeks. Wednesday was only ever going to be a short one.

Anyhow, the Wednesday run - I wanted to run half an hour or so, so decided to put the incline on the treadmill. I kept the speed at my usual speed so that I was running a little harder. It did seem to go slowly, perhaps as I didn't rig up the iPod, but I didn't have any real difficulty completing 30 minutes.

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