Monday, 13 April 2009


Today was a further two hour run in the morning - testing my stamina somewhat after a long run yesterday late afternoon. At the weekend I realised I only had one pair of proper running shorts - not a problem through the winter as I had often run in a tracksuit, but it seemed worth buying some proper professional ones. So I had my brand new lightweight shorts with blue flash to match my blue Save the Rhino shirt I'll way on the day ... and kitted myself with my bat-utility belt to hold my energy gels.

Luckily I seemed to be over my back problems - I'd had a bit of an upset stomach overnight but nothing worth calling the Doc about, and I'd had the foresight to take my hayfever medication to stop me feeling too sneezy, so off I went.

I was feeling sleepy from waking up at 7:30 in preparation, and within a few steps realised it wasn't yet shorts weather. Added to that my new shorts were riding right up and seemed a lot shorter than I would like - I was a bit too bashful for all that. Also there were no pockets, no good for carrying handkerchief, gels or anything else. The first of my gels went flying out of my belt on to the floor within seconds.

Not a great start, and I turned round and ran back home again, being delayed by a well-meaning chatty neighbour. I ditched the new shorts, ditched the belt, opted instead for a tracksuit where I could easily transport my gels. It does leave the question of what to do on the day though ...

Feeling a bit fed up and dopey about my false start, I set off again. My plan was to run for an hour, turn round and run back again. I needed to run at easier than marathon pace, but my marathon pace is so slow it's hard to do that! At least I wanted to hit even pace for the first half and second half.

Worst of all, a shocker of a tune stuck in my head - the last thing I heard was the theme tune to "Homes under the Hammer" as I set off. I only know a couple of seconds worth of the "tune" but it went round and round in my head for a good 3-4 miles. I tried to think positive thoughts, banish it from my mind, but it was overtaken by an old foe. Shania Twain was back, with *that* song, back in my head. And she stayed there. I didn't have the will to fight her back ...

After an hour, I hit a recognisable junction, turned round and came home. The sun came out for the second half, and it was difficult, but I had to remind myself I had run seven miles last night and was out again now the next morning. 62 minutes home which is pretty even pace, especially as a good 30 seconds or so were spent waiting to cross the Buckingham Road.

Despite my initial grumpy mood, ultimately I'm happy that this latest (and last) long run is now done. It turns out I ran 10.3 miles today, which is at or a little slower than marathon pace, as planned. It still seems like the 26.2 miles I have to do two weeks from now will dwarf all my efforts up to now in comparison ...

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