Monday 6 April 2009

The Tapir

The tapir* is a large mammal with five separate subspecies, including Brazilian and Malayan. They have a long fleshy proboscis, not unlike an elephant in that regard, with four toes on the front feet and three on the hind feet.
Like rhinoceroses, they are therefore odd-toed ungulates: browsing and grazing mammals. Fossil records suggest that tapirs and rhinoceroses share a common ancestor, and they are therefore the closest modern relations to the rhinoceros, both being from the family Ceratomorpha.

And so it is with delight that, three weeks to marathon day, it is officially time for the tapir:

*Not to be confused with the "taper" which is the time, three weeks before marathon day, where training and distances start to east, tailing off for the big day. With that in mind, I ran 15 minutes today, at very easy pace. Luckily, no aches, pains, sorenesses, except the nipples(!), or grievances at all following Sunday's run. Bring it on!

(thanks to the Tapir Specialist Group for photos)

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