Saturday 27 September 2008

Bad day at the office

Last couple of blog entries were a bit behind as I've been away, but this one really does follow my Saturday run. And today I really did struggle.

I'm not sure I've mentioned this before but I don't really like running, and I never have. The fact remains I still don't. And I've always been rubbish at it. I remember coming last in the school cross-country, I was so slow that I think everyone else had finished, showered and gone back to lessons by the time I'd finished. Perhaps marathon day will be the same - everyone else will be home, hosed and back at work on Monday by the time I finish ...

Anyway today I just couldn't do it. In my first 3 minute stint my legs started to feel heavy, and in the second 3 minute stint I got stitch. So I had a bit of a moment, turned the treadmill off and gave up (no glamorous surroundings today, just sat in my garage). I had to tell myself not to kill myself , just give it up as a bad day. Though I did get up, turn it back on after about 5 minutes and run just one more stint. It's OK for today, what if this happens on *the* day, I'm not allowed to just stop a couple of minutes in because of a bad day, am I?

One silver lining is that being away and having a couple of midweek runs means I've got a bonus day tomorrow, a fourth run of the week if I want to do it. After today's failure I'll be glad for another chance.

In fact a much better idea would be to delete this post, and cunningly edit the blog to pretend today never happened. If I run tomorrow and all goes OK, that would still be 3 runs in the week, no dramas or crises, and nobody need ever know! Yes, I think I might do that ...

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