Tuesday 7 October 2008

Bonus run

I have a day off today, ostensibly to revise for an exam I have tomorrow. So I don't really have time for (a) running or (b) blogging but I guess neither of them take very long. I was one run short last week so I thought I'd better catch up.

I was interested to see how I get on running at 3pm, as so many of my runs are later in the evening. It did seem to go quite well, to the point where I was considering seeing if the organisers could switch it to 3pm on the day, as I'm certainly struggling to find my optimum time (if there is such a thing). Downside of that is whether I'd actually finish on the same day of course!

At least I managed to take my mind of running by going through some of the things I need to revise. I think I've pretty much nailed the differences between the neoliberalist, radical and transformationalist viewpoints on the affect of globalisation on development, go on ask me ...

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