Saturday 25 October 2008

Careless Wispa

Well it's so hard to find time to run and make sure it's long enough after food. This time I ran this afternoon but had a well known retro chocolate bar half an hour before - I completely forgot about my run. Actually it didn't make the slightest bit of difference, but I was just rather pleased with the pun in my title.

I decided to call my own bluff today - if I can run 3 stints of 5 minutes with 2 one minute breaks, that means I can run 15 minutes out of 17. So why not make the jump - 7.5 minutes followed by a 2 minute rest and another 7.5 minutes is exactly the same - 15 minutes out of 17, but running 50% longer at a time than I've ever managed.

Anyway enough of the arithmetic - I did it and I'm quite chuffed with that. In fact my break was 1.5 minutes so I beat my own target - though I'm not covering a great distance yet, I've made a big jump in the time I can keep going in one go now. My target now has to me to run for half an hout without stopping by Christmas.

My other target is completely different - I've decided to diet too, starting Monday. It's just got to happen so I can be fit enough to do this. Today isn't Monday though, so I'm eagerly awaiting a Chicken dopiaza and all the trimmings from Bicester's finest Indian restaurant tonight.

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