Friday 31 October 2008

First mile

Ugh, what a week. Monday to Thursday have rolled by with each day working later and later, and just no desire to get the training run in. Still, as Thursday night passed I resolved to run on Friday morning before work.

6:30am and bleary-eyed I headed for the treadmill in the garage. There were some strange creaky noises as it was so cold and I don't know how much was me and how much was the treadmill, and as I started running I decided I didn't know what I was going to do. Eventually I knew I didn't have long before getting ready for work so decided to see how far I can run without stopping. After all, that's ultimately going to be a key part of the strategy for running 26 and a bit miles.

Anyhow let's not drag this into a great saga as I still need to remind myself I've got a long way to go. But I did run 15 minutes and was really quite pleasantly surprised. Nice thing is I genuinely think I could have done more. It doesn't seem like long ago when I was fretting over doing 3,4,5 minutes at a time. And even at my slow pace I've confidently doubled by PB (see I sound like an athlete now) and have run my first mile and a bit.

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