Wednesday 5 November 2008

Another PB

Another run yesterday and I decided to see how far I could go in one run again. I do need to find a way of entertaining myself as after a few seconds I genuinely find it quite boring. At the moment I'm getting a nice satisfaction at the end of each run when I hit my target or beat my best so far, but the rest I could do without. How will I cope with 5 hours of this?

Anyway a thoroughly impressive(?) 17 minute stint this time and again I'm pleased that I've run the furthest yet. I need to step this up and hit half an hour before long, so I'll revise my targets and tell you all that I'll hit 30 minutes by the end of the month.

I'm not sure why I write "you all" though, is anyone actually reading this rubbish or is just for my benefit?!

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